Category: Privacy

NYPD ignored 93 percent of surveillance law rules • The Register

Who watches the watchmen? The Office of the Inspector General

Source: NYPD ignored 93 percent of surveillance law rules • The Register

Secret Service & ICE conducted warrantless cellular surveillance!

DC is crawling/sprawling with #Stingrays. Some of the Stingrays are from state actors conducting reconnaissance of their own. These devices are black boxes with NDAs and LEOs can’t even acknowledge that they’re using them. Funding for these are placed into black budgets.

De-Google Your Phone

Even with Google-based hardware, you can de-bloat your phone and it does not have Google-based tracking. It’s all a matter of the firmware or in this case AOSP.

Scrub your EXIF Data from Photos

Here is a tutorial of Dave demonstrating what EXIF data is and how to view it and later remove it from your photos before uploading them to the net.